I don’t have very many friends.

I mean, by comparison, I’m sortof a lightweight. The tally, actually, should make you wonder.
Facebook friends: 500.
The guy who founded LinkedIn says that anyone worth his or her salt should have 2000 people in their network.
Again, LinkedIn, I’m probably at 500.
So, why the Thanksgiving Eve post on ROI?
Because I actually don’t care about numbers today.
ROI = Return on Investment. Great if you’re sorting out whether Brand X spent $Y to achieve Z result. I’m all for that.
But I want to advise you, gentle reader, not to get over-scared by numbers. Over-jealous of the neighbor with the greener numerical grass.
Seems like everywhere I turn of late, that one dude has just become friends with 8 more people. And I’m sitting here, typing away, scheming about the next thing. I didn’t meet those 8 people, and I’m also wondering why I haven’t chatted with the five people who show up at the top of my News Feed.
I’ve got a stack of business cards sitting here that I’m sorting through. Wonder what this guy is up to? Whatever happened to that one startup where that one woman worked? Do I owe so-and-so a phone call, or does he owe me one?
Where is this going?
I don’t know about you, but I get the feeling that my own numbers will always suck in comparison to someone else’s. Connection numbers, bank account numbers, whatever numbers.
But I’ve got about 30 seconds before I wrap this post up, go grab a beverage, and try to get an ROI figure for the time I’m spending with the munchkins or my wife.
Happy Thanksgiving.