Here they are: The Top Five Songs of 2024.
This is the third year for these rankings from me; prior to that, I did post on Facebook, but 2022 and 2023 had lists and you can read them here: Your Top Ten Songs of 2022, Top Ten Songs of 2023.
And, here are the links if you missed Part One or Part Two.
Boy, This Was Tough…
I came up with a Top Five a couple weeks ago. I figured that the Top Five wouldn’t change — and, despite some cool late entrants to my Song Database of Fire over the past few weeks, it didn’t — but that Number One likely would.
So I have deliberated, invited both of my music-loving daughters (ages 23 and 18, where does the time go?) to weigh in, and have made my decision. (Note that the decision was NOT done to appease either of my music-loving daughters.)
The Top Five Songs of 2024
5. Beach Bunny, “Vertigo”
Catchy tune? Check. “Beach” in the band name? Check. Neato animated video? Check.
Clocking in at a Usain Bolt-level 2-and-a-half minutes, it’s the first bit of new music released by Beach Bunny — the band started as Lili Trifilio’s solo project in 2015 — in three years. And, now that it’s just a three-piece, after the departure of lead guitarist Matt Henkels, the band does not miss a beat.
If this were the best song you heard all year, you had a good year. A solid #5.
4. Katrina Ford, “Cry Wolf”
Have you heard of Katrina Ford? Here’s the thing…you have probably heard FROM Katrina Ford. Ha!
Here’s a story from Stereogum. Wait, WHAT? Gotta give “Wolf Like Me” another listen, then. Like…how about now?
In any event, Ms. Ford dropped an album called H.E.A.R.T. earlier this year and we dig what we’ve heard. And we REALLY dig this song, which also falls into the “Criminally Underrated” category; fewer than 10K viewers of this, the official video. (Also, here’s a link to her YouTube channel. Subscribe, people. Seriously!)
3. Fat Dog, “Running”
Did I mention this year’s Top Five was tough? For instance, if I had put this song at #1, there would possibly be a few head nods: this band is out-of-control good. Energetic as heck, live shows are off-the-hook bonkers AND LEAD SINGER JOE LOVE GOES INTO THE CROWD IN THIS PERFORMANCE…WHAT?
Here’s an excerpt from a review from London’s Sunday Times’ Will Hodgkinson:

You had me at “rave, punk, klezmer, arabesque.”
Best Song of 2024? Maybe. This year, ranks third on my countdown.
2. Fontaines D.C., “Starburster”
I knew this song had made it when it randomly made background music in a feature on FOX NFL Sunday.
Fontaines, D.C. are seemingly everywhere in 2024. There’s a reason why: songs like this one and “Favourite,” which has also charted on US Alternative charts, are stellar.
Ireland, baby.
Anyway, they’ve performed on Jimmy Fallon, on Jools Holland, and they toured the US in the Fall. They are the real deal.
Without Further Ado…
1. Mannequin Pussy, “Sometimes”
To me, the only thing holding this band back from absolute mainstream success is the band’s name.
To be honest, that’s it. Songs like this one and “I Got Heaven,” which charted in the U.K., and “Loud Bark,” both off the I Got Heaven album, and you get the feeling these folks will be huge.
I immediately harken back to Harriet Wheeler from The Sundays when I hear lead singer Missy Dabice start singing. Then, hearing her her do the primal scream thing, I think…Courtney Love and Hole. There’s a lot packed into just over 3 minutes here; no song accompanied my car trips better than this one in 2024.
It’s my Song of the Year.
A couple versions here: first, live on KEXP.
And then, here’s the official video version.
There You Have It…
Our Top Songs of 2024. Here’s a link to the other two parts of our blog post:
Top Songs Part Two
And…here are the past couple years:

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