In Part One, we told you about the Honorable Mentions. Now, we crack the Top Ten with songs 6-10. But presented in reverse order because we grew up as the Casey Kasem generation.
10. Magdalena Bay, “Death and Romance”
If you’re Gen X, you’ve no doubt picked up an album and, when you see a song that isn’t your favorite off the album hit the charts, you’ve said “that’s not even the best song on that album!” Such may be the case here: IMHO, “Image,” with its nearly 1 million views on YouTube, isn’t even the best song I’ve heard from Magdalena Bay this year.
(Don’t get me wrong: “Image” is catchy as heck.)
But Magdalena Bay really spoke to me with “Death and Romance.”
You’ve maybe seen them on TikTok or elsewhere. Won’t be the last you’ve heard MB.
First, the “Official Audio” version.
Now, the Official Video version, 8 minutes of creativity.
9. Bartees Strange, “Sober”
My notes on this song, upon first listen, were as follows:
I’m a big fan of Mr. Strange, whose 2022 “Heavy Heart” clocked in at #2 on that year’s list.
“Sober” is one of the best songs I’ve heard this year.
8. Cardinals, “Twist and Turn”
Turns out a few Irish bands are making their marks in music. These chaps build a pretty good case for a Top Ten song with “Twist and Turn.” I especially like the back-and-forth between an acoustic coffee house sound AND a rock-percussion vibe…in the same song.
7. Alice Merton, “run away girl”
This is one of the best “pure-pop” songs I’ve heard in a while. And here are two versions from Alice:
First, the stripped down acoustic (“black sands”) version:
Next, the “visualizer” version, which is kindof a video except it’s Alice in a field. Which is fine, but also matches the radio version of the tune.
6. Omni (feat. Izzy Glaudini), “Plastic Pyramid”
When I first heard this, my initial reaction was (again from Excel) as follows:
Ah, Yes. I have “Roundabout” as one of the best songs ever — read here: Top Songs of All Time — but others find it to be (quoting a friend) “over-produced audio drivel.”
In that vein, Omni may not be your cup of tea. But it was mine — and it’s not even the zaniest song I heard in 2024, natch — and makes it in at #6. (And the video is nuts; congrats, Omni!)
Coming soon, Part Three…your Top Five.

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