We are often asked how and where to start for Social Media “Optimization” – We Suggest these 3 Things…
Consistency. It’s important to be consistent with where you spend your Social Media time, and how you look on the social web. If people know to find you, your company, your product or your brand sharing information on Twitter but not really using Facebook — we think that is fine.
We also think that using a consistent voice, look and feel are all vital. If a clown is your company mascot and your brand tweets on behalf of the clown, great. Just don’t have the clown start talking politics on us.
Empathy. Folks like Al Ferretti on Twitter use the term “Go-giver.” Said another way – people who put helping others – sharing information, links, even positive vibes – ahead of their own needs on social media.
When empathizing, remember that you, too, started out somewhere. Maybe you opened up a Facebook account and didn’t exactly know why – but then someone friended you and you were off and rolling.
Fun. I spent virtually my entire social media time this weekend sharing links to YouTube music videos on Facebook. Throw in some back-and-forth with people I have met IRL (in real life), and a few comments with people who I genuinely enjoy interacting with.
Business took a backseat.