If Area 224 were a betting organization, we’d put money on this video becoming a meme.
We’ve talked about viral videos before – how you really can’t plan for something to go viral, but you can create killer content and hope for the best.
However, since “Hope is not a Strategy,” it helps to have a few elements that can put the possibility of success in your corner. And, this Meme-worthy video has all of the elements of Holistic Social Media. For instance:
Influencers. Real influencers, like Paulo Coelho. I don’t know what his Klout score is and I’m not sure I really care. I do know that I have read at least one of his books.
A Good Story. Want action, adventure, international intrigue? Hey, the Nativity has it for you.
The Whipsaw Effect. Would Mary really email Joseph to say she needed help during the first Christmas season? Huh? Yup, that’s whipsaw for you.
Brazilians. Some wacky number of Brazilians use Twitter. And 47% of users of Orkut are Brazilian. Wanna go viral? Fala Portuguese.
Enjoy this really cool Natal Digital.
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