Last year? Quora. This year? Pinterest. What’s Next? Doesn’t Matter: All you have to do is copy and paste what’s here, and fill in the blanks once the next new thing arrives. You’re welcome.

There’s no question that [BLANK] is the hottest thing going in social media right now. After its launch [6 MONTHS AGO, 6 YEARS AGO, LAST NIGHT], [BLANK] is attracting the attention of brands, venture capital firms and even the President [OF THE UNITED STATES, OF RUSSIA, OF MY LOCAL SOCIAL MEDIA CLUB CHAPTER].
We took a look at the inner workings of [BLANK] and we like what we see – there’s a reason for all the buzz! In fact, Social Media [GURUS, NINJAS, ROCK STARS] from [CITY] to [OBSCURE CENTRAL EUROPEAN NATION] are all jumping on the bandwagon.
So, should you join them? Well, here are some tips before you [GET STARTED, SELL AN EBOOK ABOUT “BLANK”]:
1. Don’t Ignore the Other Networks
“[BLANK] should be part of every brand’s social media strategy,” said [EXPERT, GUY OFF THE STREETS, SIMPSONS ANCHORMAN KENT BROCKMAN]. “In fact, the way it seamlessly connects with other networks, I can’t imagine life as a brand marketer without [BLANK].”
And, with the backing of [GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, THOSE GUYS WHO GOT INVESTMENT FOR THAT ONE THING], you can bet that [BLANK] will become part of the social media fabric for years to come, meaning that it will be another tool in the arsenal – and your experience [BLANKING] will integrate well with your experience [FACEBOOKING, TWEETING, QUORA-ING].
2. No Matter Your Industry, Learn From Others Who Use [BLANK]
Just last night, [WEBSITE] reported that a Not-for-Profit used [BLANK] with great success. “We [BLANKED] and, while we were wary that it was a bunch of hype, after [BLANKING] we totally love it. And, two people came up to me [AT AN EVENT, ON THE STREET, AFTER SEEING ME ON THE TODAY SHOW] and said they saw our integrated, strategic [BLANK] presence and planned to [DONATE, COME TO OUR EVENT, WATCH THE TODAY SHOW AGAIN].”

3. Even if [BLANK] Goes Away, Have Fun [BLANKING]
The founders of [BLANK] admit that they’re a little surprised by the attention. “I remember the early days of our startup [6 YEARS AGO, 6 MONTHS AGO, LAST NIGHT], when we wondered if anyone would [USE IT, FUND IT, GIVE US $200 MILLION DOLLARS]. But we stuck to it – we were committed to our dream, and, even though Mom and Dad told me how awesome we were, we knew that, until we had [A TECHCRUNCH POST, 25 USERS, JEREMY LIN’S ATTENTION], we weren’t going to make it. Now, though, we’re convinced – this will be huge.”
As with any emerging technology, there’s always some hype. But, if you use this template, you, too, can post about what [BLANK] is doing.
Have an awesome time [BLANKING]!

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