Anyone else tired of hearing about how Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg leaves the office at 5:30 every night?

It’s all relative: Including Work-Life Balance.
You can all stop talking about it, starting now. Why?
What works for me may not work for you. What works for Ms Sandberg may not make sense for the rest of us. And so on and so forth.
Here’s a story: back in the day (code for “when I worked somewhere that isn’t at Area 224 headquarters, or for a startup”) we had a dynamite research strategist on staff. He was on the short list of quality speakers who could command a room – talking about work-life balance in his inimitable style.
And…he couldn’t stand the phrase “work-life balance.” He preferred “work-life harmony.”
One person’s 80-hour-a-week sweatshop is someone else’s dream job.
What works for you works for you. Darnit.
Face time? Bed checks? Lurkers? Annoying meetings?
Look, you still have to get your work done, you still have to prioritize. You still have to provide awesome client service – even if your clients are internal ones.
Bravo to you for leaving early. Or staying late.
It’s all relative. Commit to being excellent when you’re there, and commit to being “there” when you aren’t.
And find what works for you, whether you’re a billionaire or flat broke.

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