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Stamping Out Social Media Poseurs in 2011
This nice No comes from recycling.stanford.eduRemember last year when we went on a mission to “Stamp Out Social Media Poseurism?”
Well, for 2011, we thought we’d shorten the list quite a bit – there are still some traits that drive us crazy, and we’d love to see these types of behaviors curbed. For instance:
Auto DMs on Twitter. Yes, we realize you like to thank us for following you. But do you have to send a message that links to some “make money on autopilot” system?
Social Media “Ninja” or “Guru” or “Rockstar.” We will keep prattling on and on about how much we dislike those terms until you, the populace, stop using them.
Anyone who has all the answers. I’d love to see someone who had all the answers last year at this time tell me that s/he can master Instagram. Or that Angry Birds is the key to any successful campaign.
Social Media “Experts” who haven’t read Groundswell. This book should be on your desk or nightstand. (If you want to argue about this book vs. Wikinomics, we’ll cut you some slack.)
Bloggers who don’t share. You know who you are – we won’t single you out. Instead, for instance…let’s point to a few who do. In 2010, we interacted with Chris Brogan, Danny Brown, Gini Dietrich, Francisco Rosales and Scott Stratten. All have blogs with tons of traffic. All could conceivably be way too busy to comment on a post of ours, or answer a Q&A, or respond to a direct message with a direct message that they obviously wrote. But all five of those did that with this little old blog here.
Autopilot Systems. If you haven’t figured out by now, this whole thing is a process. Pushbutton systems don’t work. Even the best ebooks on any social media marketing system take time to investigate the ins and outs.
So…While we didn’t stamp out Social Media Poseurs altogether in 2010, we made strides, we think.
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