Enough of the mysterious updates on Facebook and LinkedIn. Dave from Area 224 is up to something new. Here’s what’s in it for you.
“The Ego Has Landed.” More than a title to a Robbie Williams album, it’s also the subject line I’ve been using in emails over the past week or so, as I tell friends about what I’m up to.
I’ve also struggled with just how to make this announcement. Jim Gray interview? Recording a video diatribe? Taking out a billboard ad on the Dan Ryan?
Plus, chest thumping ain’t my bag. Tub-thumping may be, so we’ve got two British Pop Music References before we get to the meat of the announcement.
“I’m bringing my talents to the team at StraterEdge Consulting.” – Dave.
“What’s In It For Me?” – You.
Actually, the same combination of what you’ve expected from me – that focus on concepts like “objective-oriented marketing” and “are you sure you really wanna do this?” A social media bent, sure. Content, yeah, we’ll have that.
But, well, we have made no secret that we’re launching 12 Minute Marketing. The launchpad just got better for that — and Rick Strater’s expertise in sales consulting brings more power to the 12 Minute Marketing service.
Plus, we are working on another product launch that we’ll let you know more about in the weeks to come. (You can guess the industry by taking a look at the StraterEdge site.)
BUT – what IS in it for you?
Well, we can help you solve complex business problems, and we can do this from a few angles. Is it a marketing challenge? A sales challenge? An operational challenge?
Does social media fit into the mix? Should it?
As for this site – it’s still here. Still a platform to share content, ideas, advice. And we’re still here to help you.
We look forward to the journey.

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