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I made the mistake of reading a book called Aftershock over Christmas Break. [Here’s a non-affiliate link to the Aftershock Economy web page.] The reason it was a mistake? If you believe what’s in the book (general theme: US Economy is in a world of hurt and it’s going to get a lot worse), as I pretty much do, then it has a tendency to ruin your good mood.
Here’s the thing: the Macroeconomic doom and gloom doesn’t have to impact your Microeconomic world. Even if you’re chasing the next thing – new clients, new product launches, new job, new relationships – you don’t have to let negativity impact where you are headed.
Here are 5 tips that might help you stay positive in the new economy.
1. Have a friend act as your coach
I’ll come clean on this one: I have a friend who pulled me aside and asked “Dave, why so negative?” So it was a bad weekend – put it aside and move on.
The thing here is that you need someone who will give you a swift kick and see you how the rest of the world sees you. This is vital.
2. Work on lifting others up
Trite – but can you say nice things publicly about other people? Can you visit other people’s blogs and comment on them? Can you Tweet about someone, or give them a Like on Facebook?
3. Remember this: “Your Net Worth is Not Your Self-Worth”
Really easy to calculate your net worth these days. And really easy to let it get you down, too. Don’t fall prey to adding dollar signs in front of your own value.
4. Empathy is your friend, too
Before you admonish the world for being out to get you, consider the other side of the coin: that person who sent a quick email saying “thanks but no thanks” may be so overwhelmed that she can’t get to everything in her in box. The guy who you can’t spend more than two seconds on the phone with may be trying to save his own job. The person behind the counter isn’t being paid all that much and you’re just another surly customer to them.
5. Laugh it off
Try to seek out people who will give you a belly laugh. Put on an episode of some goofy comedy, or pull out the DVD of a movie that you can’t help but laugh at. (“Airplane!” works for me.) Leave a nutty voice mail for one of your friends at an hour that you know they won’t hear it.
I’m not an expert on how to stay positive in the new economy. But I’m getting better at it, so whether we’re headed into financial oblivion or another age of glorious triple-digit returns on everyone’s mutual funds, I’m prepared to stay positive.
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