One of Area 224’s favorite tricks is to visit for quick visitor stats.

We do this semi-religiously – not just for our own site, to augment the Google Analytics stats we get, but for others as well, to see who’s blowing smoke and who is worth looking at.
As of this morning, the stats for October are up. Area 224 has seen a nice spike in traffic – for which we want to thank you.
“Thank you.”
Compete happens to be one of the Underground Tricks we like to share with folks on our webinars (and you can still sign up for BOOM Camp 2010, starting Tuesday, at this link: Compete is pretty darn cool, in our opinion.
They work on a Freemium model, so you can get much more than what’s available for free if you sign up for a premium plan.
BTW, if you’d like to see our stats for October, here’s a snapshot.