I read a book that changed my outlook on life. And on business.

On a recent trip to the Library, I picked up a book that quickly took over my weekend.
First, a little about me, so you can put this all into perspective. I’ve been described as an “interesting” reader. I’m not sure if that’s a compliment, actually…In all seriousness, I move back and forth from topic to topic, and I have been known to devour magazines. (Time Magazine arrives weekly, but it doesn’t speak to me like the Economist or New Yorker used to when I was in my 20s, or like Bloomberg Businessweek did in my “late 30s,” which have seemed to continue for a few years.)
I rarely read fiction. Rarely. So if you’ve sent me your fiction download, apologies for not getting to it yet.
My book reading habits are much different – I try to be a polymath, so who knows what I’ll find interesting at the library.
[NOTE: I am on still on a break from traditional marketing and social media books.]
What’s funny is that I had only casually heard of the book that changed my outlook: “The Go-Giver.” No one had personally recommended it to me, and I had yet to actually meet someone who said “this book will change your life.” But it will…if you let it.
Mumbo Jumbo. The Secret. Yada Yada.
Don’t worry, I’m not here to sell you something. I’m not here to tell you about the trick to making a fortune, and I’m not here to ask you to listen to a webinar so I can get you to buy a $97 program that will help you maximize your social media marketing.
In fact, I haven’t read “The Secret” and I don’t plan on reading “The Secret” and I don’t buy in to that self-help mumbo jumbo.
I run a business. I can’t waste time chasing my tail, and I don’t “get it” when someone says there’s a system, a key to success, a magic formula. Because there isn’t, and the work is hard, and just around the corner is the discovery that could change your fortune, your path, your journey…
Wait…What the heck am I talking about?
Tired of Giving? Give More!
I used to keep score. And that’s probably the biggest takeaway from this book – “Go-Givers Don’t Keep Score.”
I was downright mad at the karma bank. It seemed like I was sharing my knowledge over way too many meetings, pitching my business to way too many companies that couldn’t afford to work with me, putting out blog posts almost religiously over a two-year period…only to find my business bank account sorely lacking in funds.
“The Karma Bank Owes Me!”
I used to say that all the time. But I don’t say it anymore. Because it doesn’t.
Please Read the Book!
Part of the joy in the book is that it’s told as a fable. But it’s a relatable one – you can actually feel what “Joe” is going through, you can sense his desperation at the beginning, and feel his grasp of the concepts at the end.
No spoilers here – you have to read this to fully grasp it, but the general concept I’m focusing on is the art of giving.
It doesn’t mean that rolling down your window and handing a five to the homeless guy will automagically give you a bag of money. It doesn’t mean that you should then go buy a lottery ticket because your luck will turn around eventually.
But my takeaway was this: I have not given enough.
Time. Talents. Energy. Knowledge. Skills. Creativity. I’ve got these things…YOU HAVE THESE THINGS.
Share them with the world.
Tired of Giving? Give More!