Awash in business books at the Barnes & Noble, and here’s what catches our eye…
The book is called “Business Model Generation.”
The book is a standout – for a variety of reasons, but mostly because, with all of the “Social Media For Goofballs” books you can buy, here’s a book that doesn’t ram social down your throat.
Timely find, too: we had a Saturday morning chat with a client, and there we were, talking about things beyond social. Things addressed in the book, and things addressed in the “Canvas” the book helps you build.
(You can learn more about the Canvas at the Business Model Alchemist site.)
Partners, Channels, Value Propositions. Cost Structure. Customer Segments. Revenue Streams.
If you’re not where you need to be – is it because you haven’t sorted out how you’re going to get there?
Our Saturday Morning chat gave us some thoughts – for our client’s business, and for our own.
Time to fix a few things…and go back to the Canvas.