“Email Marketing Is Dead. Everyone’s Going Social.”
Not sure who to attribute that quote to. A few social media marketing gurus? Social Media Ninja Camp 2010? And not sure it really matters – email marketing isn’t going anywhere for quite a long time. Don’t agree? Here’s Rick Strater’s take on Email – it’s from one of the 12 Minute Marketing Lessons. Spend a couple minutes watching and we’ll see you after the jump.
We’d be crazy if we didn’t mention that the above video is part of the Sample Lessons you can check out over at the 12 Minute Marketing site. 12 Minute Marketing Sample Lessons include Push vs. Pull and Holistic Social Media. And a couple more.
Email is PART of an Integrated Marketing Strategy. It’s not all of it – this is why, for every marketer who says “there’s money in the list,” there’s another who completely abandons his list to sell something else. What’s an Integrated Marketer to do? 3 Tips:
1. Add Value or Get Out of the Way.
My own Gmail account has 50,000-plus unread messages in it. I’m not making this up:

I’m guilty of two things as an email recipient: I don’t read everything and I don’t aspire to “Inbox Zero.” (In fact, Inbox Zero is a total waste of time.)
I’ve gotten to the point where I sign up for lots of things to see a variety of email approaches – and I only unsubscribe when someone gets on my nerves. (Had a friend call someone the “Bally’s of Marketing,” in that this person was annoying and everywhere. I’ll go with it – and that’s when I unsubscribe. But not before.)
Your email newsletter, which I’m sure is awesome, by the way, has to cut through the 50,000-plus clutter, or it just ain’t gonna get read. Bringing us to Tip 2:
2. The Subject Line is Your Friend.
It is, really.
Even Uber-Marketers have to get their emails actually opened to make the magic happen. You have to strike a chord with the reader – even if the chord tells them that this particular offer is NOT for them.
I have an email waiting for me that says “50% off Veterinary Services.” I don’t have a pet, so I know I’m not going to open this one. Fine – we didn’t waste each other’s time.
You can personalize if you like – but you certainly don’t have to.
Subject lines are so under-utilized – cutting to the chase is absolutely vital, and if I don’t see a hook for me, I may not even open.
Underground Jedi Trick: Begin the Subject with “[Name of Business]”…On some mobile readers, Gmail included, the “[Name of Business]” gets shortened to “[Name…]” and then the reader dives into the rest of your subject line.
This segues nicely into Tip 3:
3. Have a Point.
Some people call this a “Call to Action” – but that may not be the reason for the email you’re sending.
Let’s say it’s the monthly newsletter from your company – you may not be selling something, you may not want people to pick up the phone and call you so they can buy from you. If you’re doing the newsletter as a branding exercise, then the “Point” of the email may well be that you’re sharing information that’s valuable to your reader.
But your monthly newsletter just for the sake of your monthly newsletter isn’t exactly accomplishing anything, is it?
Value the reader’s time, and they’ll in turn value reading your newsletter. Or whatever you’re emailing.
The Inbox isn’t going away. The Email will continue to be important. It’s part of your toolkit, but not the only thing in it.
One More Thing…
If you like what you saw from the above email and the 12 Minute Marketing Sample Lessons, consider beginning your 12 Minute Marketing journey. We’ve been told that $297 is a tremendous value for a course that delivers daily lessons on marketing strategy, new media, social media, traditional sales and marketing concepts and a heck of a lot more. (And you can get it for less than that if you choose the “one pay” option.) Learn more about 12 Minute Marketing on the Curriculum Page, or just Enroll Today on the Enroll Page.